
Use the ngreconcile tool to fix the PREMIGRATED status of local files premigrated by previous ngmigrate versions or reversely premigrated by previous ngrecall versions.



ngreconcile [-v3] [-r] [-n] [--log-target=syslog] NAME1 ... NAMEn

ngreconcile [-v3] [-r] [-n] [--log-target=syslog]
            [--filelist-format=NUL|quoted] -f FILELIST

where NAMEi is a file or directory name if the option -r, --recursion-local is specified or a file name if that option is not specified.


Fixes the premigration status of local files.


-f FILELIST     process files and directories from a filelist file.
                format of a filelist file:
                "LF"     - filenames delimited by newlines; a filename cannot
                           contain newline characters;
                "NUL"    - filenames delimited by the NUL (0) byte;
                "quoted" - filenames possibly enclosed in single or double
                           quotes and delimited by newlines.
                Default: "LF".
                Compatible with the option: -f FILELIST
--help          display this help and exit.
                redirect all logging to the syslog.
-n, --dry-run   show what would be done but do not enact any changes.
-r, --recursion-local
                if program arguments specify directory names, process files in
                those directories recursively.
                Default: skip processing directories.
-v, --verbose[=LEVEL]
                verbosity level:
                0 = error and warning messages, errors for processed files, and
                    whether those errors were fixed (also used when this option
                    is absent);
                1 = print the names of all processed files, errors for them, and
                    whether those errors were fixed (default);
                2 = debug messages, excluding those related to file locking;
                3 = enable core dump and debug messages related to file locking;
                    print PID and current time with microsecond precision.
-V, --version   display version information and exit.


Report whether the premigration status of file1.txt and path/to/file2.txt files is incorrect:

ngreconcile -n file1.txt path/to/file2.txt

Fix the premigration status of files in the directory path/to/dir recursively if that status is incorrect:

ngreconcile -r path/to/dir

Fix the premigration status of files matching the pattern *.bin in the directory /mmfs1/data recursively if that status is incorrect:

find /mmfs1/data -name '*.bin' -print0 | ngreconcile --filelist-format=NUL -f-

See Also